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Helping the Disabled from Coast to Coast

Truck Driver Disability Claims Attorneys

Long-haul truck drivers can suffer many disabling conditions, most notably back problems. If your individual or group disability claim has been denied or if your benefits have been prematurely terminated, DarrasLaw can represent you.

As the nation’s top disability law firm, we have helped thousands of people get the benefits they were entitled to, and we want to help you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. It won’t cost you anything, and it could be the first step toward getting the disability benefits you deserve.

Disability Claim Denials for Truck Drivers

After the denial of a group disability claim, you have only 180 days or less to file an appeal. Get legal help today.

Insurance companies routinely deny disability claims, for these and other reasons:

  • Your medical records do not support your claim.
  • While you may have been temporarily disabled, you are no longer disabled at this time.
  • Our surveillance and investigations show that you are not disabled.
  • You have a disabling mental condition, therefore you are limited to 24 months of benefits.
  • Your policy may only pay for accidents, not sickness.

There are many more reasons cited by insurance companies for claim denials. DarrasLaw has dealt successfully with these and other objections by insurance companies, and our attorneys will vigorously represent you.

Does a Back Injury Make Driving Difficult?

In many ways, cases involving back injuries are the most challenging long-term disability cases. Nevertheless, they can be won. At DarrasLaw, we have successfully represented many people whose disability claims were denied or terminated. When you retain us to represent you, we will work tirelessly to obtain the best possible result for you.

At some point in the claims process, the insurance company may ask you to undertake a functional capacity evaluation (FCE). In an FCE, you will be asked to perform physical tests to assess your ability to perform the usual tasks of your occupation. While a well-conducted FCE can be useful in supporting your disability claim, the results can also be used by the insurance company to deny your claim or limit benefits. DarrasLaw can review your situation, and if necessary, direct you to a medical professional who can provide an objective FCE.

Free Consultation With a Lawyer

Contact DarrasLaw to speak with a lawyer about a truck driver disability claim. We represent clients nationwide from our offices in Ontario, California.

Reason #4

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

We believe our clients, and we fight hard every day to ensure they are not bullied by billion dollar insurance companies.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

Request a Free, Confidential Case Review.