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Surgeon Disability Claims Attorneys

As a surgeon, you have dedicated your life to helping people get better. Now your career is threatened by a serious injury or illness. You have either an individual disability policy or one provided by your employer as part of your compensation package, but the insurance company has informed you that it is denying your claim. Where can you turn for help?

DarrasLaw is the nation’s top disability firm. We are nationally known for our advocacy skills and ability to get results for clients in disability claim cases. Having represented many surgeons and physicians, we understand the many legal, financial and personal issues that surgeons face when confronted with the possible loss of their medical careers.

Contact DarrasLaw for a free initial consultation.

Termination of Benefits and Disability Claim Denials for Surgeons

Surgeon disability claims present many complex challenges. In a free consultation, one of our attorneys can review your situation and discuss some of the issues in your case. These include:

Own Occupation/Any Occupation — Your insurance policy likely has clauses that limit your benefits in several ways. Because of your inability to work as a surgeon, you may receive benefits for 24 months. After that period, the insurance company might terminate your benefits, asserting that your disability does not prevent you from being a general practice physician. Our attorneys have experience in own occupation/any occupation disputes, and we will provide vigorous representation to protect your rights.

Residual Disability vs. Total Disability — These disputes involve the extent of the disability. If you can still perform surgery but on a limited basis (residual disability), your benefits may be limited in terms of their amount and duration.

Alcohol or Drug Dependence — Your benefits may be limited in duration. However, these types of disabilities rarely exist in isolation. If we can identify another physical or mental disability, we may be able to obtain full benefits for you.

Lump-Sum Settlement — Should you accept a lump-sum settlement? For some surgeons the answer is yes, for others no. This decision should take into account many factors. We can provide you with guidance.

DarrasLaw has the experience, medical knowledge and resources needed to win your case. You can depend on us for sound advice and skillful advocacy regarding your disability claim.

Contact a Lawyer

For a free consultation about a surgeon disability claim, contact DarrasLaw.

Reason #6

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

It’s our honor to help and represent disabled people who have literally fallen to the bottom of their lives. We encourage you to read and hear what they say about us.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

Request a Free, Confidential Case Review.