Talk To A Disability Lawyer Now
(800) 898-7299

MMA Disability Lawyers

As a professional mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter, you brave the risk of broken ribs, torn biceps and concussions every time you train or fight. You probably carry a short- or long-term individual disability policy to help out financially if you suffer injuries bad enough to keep you from fighting. Unfortunately, insurance companies often refuse to pay out legitimate disability claims. You may be facing unfair delays or denials.

At DarrasLaw, we have been representing professional athletes in disputes with insurers over private disability insurance policies for nearly 30 years. As America’s Top Disability Law Firm, we represent injured professional athletes throughout the United States, accumulating nearly $1 billion in wrongfully denied insurance benefits for our clients.

If you would like a FREE consultation and policy evaluation, call DarrasLaw at 800-898-7299 or contact us online.

Working With A Variety Of Mixed Martial Artists

Led by founding partner Frank N. Darras, the Top Disability Lawyer in America, we help male and female professional MMA fighters who are being treated unfairly by their insurers. Our clients come from a variety of organizational backgrounds, including:

  • Bellator MMA
  • Cage Fury Fighting Championships
  • Cage Sport
  • Dakota Fighting Championships
  • Hoosier Fight Club
  • Invicta FC
  • Island Fights
  • King of the Cage (KOTC)
  • New England Fights (NEF)
  • Resurrection Fighting Alliance (RFA)
  • Ring Of Combat (ROC)
  • Showdown Fights
  • Tachi Palace Fights (TPF)
  • Titan Fighting Championship
  • Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
  • Victory Fighting Championship
  • West Coast Fighting Championship (WFC)
  • World Series of Fighting
  • Xtreme Fighting Championships (XFC)

Just as you have carved out your own MMA fighting reputation, insurance companies know who DarrasLaw is because of our excellent track record and national success helping clients. Whether the insurance company is lowballing, delaying or outright denying your legitimate claim, we will step in and make sure you get what you are rightly owed.

We offer FREE consultations and insurance policy analysis, so you have nothing to lose. Call us today at 800-898-7299 or contact us online.

Reason #3

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

Billion dollar insurance companies employ an army of attorneys. We have the resources to take on the toughest cases against the biggest carriers.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

Request a Free, Confidential Case Review.