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Types of Mental & Nervous Disorders

Get Help with Your Disability Claim

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, an estimated 61.5 million Americans suffer from mental and emotional disorders over the course of a year. The effects can be devastating, and may even prevent you from living a fulfilling life and earning a reasonable living.

Our compassionate legal team at DarrasLaw knows that you may feel alone when suffering from an ongoing mental health issue. No matter where you live in the United States, our lawyers will go over the specific details of your case, which can help you receive the assistance necessary to work toward your recovery.

Common Mental Conditions

Many types of mental conditions that may qualify you for coverage if you have a disability policy on your insurance. The following are a few of the more common disorders that are known to greatly disrupt everyday life:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder: If you have experienced or witnessed a terrifying event, you may have developed PTSD. This condition is characterized by extreme panic when reminded of the event, as well as cognitive effects such as inexplicable feelings of blame and a negative personal view.
  • Anxiety: Generalized anxiety disorders result in a continuous feeling of worry that can actually increase over time. You may feel irritable or restless; you can also have problems with concentration.
  • Panic attacks: Panic attacks cause extreme feelings of fear without a definable origin. Physical symptoms such as a racing heart rate, an inability to breathe and nausea are common.
  • Depression: Depression is a mood disorder that often is characterized by a prolonged feeling of deep sadness. Other symptoms include trouble sleeping, changes in appetite and a lack of interest in activities that you once found enjoyable.

These disorders can sometimes require treatment to provide relief from associated symptoms. Depending on your needs as the patient, treatment can include a combination of psychotherapy, brain stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy or medication.

Your Questions Answered

At DarrasLaw, we are dedicated to addressing all questions related to your disability case. Use our online contact form to discuss the details of your claim, or call 800-898-7299 to schedule your free initial consultation with an experienced attorney.

Reason #2

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

DarrasLaw brings more than 30 years of passionately representing disabled people against every insurance carrier.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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