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(800) 898-7299

Free Long-Term Disability Policy Analysis

If you have group long-term disability insurance through your employer, union or employee group, your policy is most likely governed by ERISA – The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. What does that mean to you? That is one of the many questions we can answer as part of your free policy analysis.

At DarrasLaw, America’s top disability firm, we take great care to help you understand what your policy means and what you are entitled to. If you have tried to make your way through the small print on your own, you know just how challenging this task can be. Insurance companies use small print to make eyes blur and heads spin. It gives them something to hide behind when they want to avoid paying claims. They always want to avoid paying claims. Thankfully, our highly trained disability law experts can decipher the meaning of policies.

Frank N. Darras has more than 25 years of experience. We know how to interpret the small print in group disability insurance policies to determine what you are entitled to. This is a service that we offer for free to policyholders nationwide.

Reviewing All Aspects of Your ERISA Disability Insurance Policy – For Free

Not all group long-term disability policies are governed by ERISA. The first step is to determine whether yours is. Of course, we can help you get what you are entitled to regardless of whether your policy is governed by ERISA or not.

Our lawyers will also review your policy for issues related to third-party ERISA long-term disability administrators, total versus residual disability analysis and own occupation versus any gainful occupation. We will also conduct an offset analysis so you know what your policy pays. We expect that this terminology will be new to you. We will take the time to educate you about what it all means as we help you move forward and pursue the benefits you need.

Free Consultations – Long-Term Disability Policy Analysis Attorneys

Call us at 800-898-7299 or send us an email. Our attorneys offer a free ERISA long-term disability policy analysis.

Reason #1

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

We are the most awarded disability law firm in the nation. Insurance companies will not pay full value of a case if they don’t respect the law firm representing you.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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