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(800) 898-7299

Monthly Long-Term Disability Claim Handling

With more than 100 years of experience handling ERISA-related group disability insurance matters, we at DarrasLaw understand the wide array of obstacles policyholders may face. Your claim may have been accepted by the group insurance company that your employer has chosen for its employees. You may have started receiving benefits, thinking that everything would be downhill from that point, at least in terms of insurance matters. Unfortunately, there are a vast array of issues that can come up on a month-to-month basis, putting your benefits in jeopardy. When any one of these issues arise, America’s top disability firm can help.

When the Group Insurance Company Says Your Disability Has Disappeared

The underlying theme of conflicts between insurance companies and policyholders is that the insurance company no longer wants to pay benefits. The number one way they stop paying benefits is by claiming that your disability has gone away and you are ready to return to work. Every ERISA-governed disability policy is different and every company has its own methods, but some of the common issues that come up include:

  • Attending physician’s statement
  • The insurance company calls your doctor
  • Independent medical examination (IME)
  • Functional capacity evaluations (FCE)
  • Field visits and claimant interviews
  • Surveillance videos and investigations

Any one of these should be seen as a warning sign. It is time for you to contact a disability lawyer who understands ERISA law and its role, and what group insurance providers can and cannot do in their attempt to cut off your benefits.

The Definition of Disability and Benefit Limitations

Language within an insurance policy may change the definition of disability. It may be defined one way at the onset and another way later. The definition may change after 24 months, 10 years or some other time period. Even if your condition has not changed, you could find yourself suddenly cut off from benefits because you no longer meet the definition of disabled.

Insurance policies may also contain limitations that pertain to mental and nervous disabilities, drug- and alcohol-related conditions and more. These type of conditions may come with a mandatory cut-off time, often two years. We can help.

Free Consultations – ERISA Long-Term Disability Claim Handling Attorneys

Call us at 800-898-7299 or send us an email to learn more about how our attorneys can help with the monthly handling of your group disability claim.

Reason #4

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

We believe our clients, and we fight hard every day to ensure they are not bullied by billion dollar insurance companies.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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