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Winning a Bad Faith Disability Insurance Case

Insurance companies earn their profits by taking in premiums and keeping their claim costs low. As a result, they choose to deny a significant percentage of the disability claims they receive. Some denials are made for valid reasons, while others are seemingly made in “bad faith.” Even when the applicant has a true disability that prevents him or her from working, insurance companies can and do unreasonably deny disability claims.

At DarrasLaw, we provide results-oriented representation for people in cases involving bad faith delay and denial of disability insurance claims. Having handled thousands of disability bad faith claim cases, we understand how to get results for people with life-changing disabilities.

Winning a Bad Faith Disability Insurance Case

Sometimes even an individually purchased disability policy may be governed by ERISA. For example, if you initially applied through your business and your corporation paid your disability premium, or if you and others at your business location were “list billed” with or without a premium discount, you may need to exhaust your administrative appeals to satisfy ERISA.

If your policy was purchased individually, never paid for by your corporation, no “list billing” occurred, and you didn’t get your policy through a union, you may not need to appeal. Appealing unnecessarily sometimes does more harm than good, if the insurance company’s denial was in bad faith. Therefore, it is important that you consult with the experienced disability insurance bad faith attorneys at DarrasLaw before the expiration of the deadline provided by the insurance company to file any appeals.

Generally speaking, our firm has good relations with insurance companies and their claim teams. This often enables us to obtain results in a claim denial case without resort to litigation, saving our clients significant time and legal expenses. By pointing out information in the medical record and claim application that the insurance company has overlooked, we have frequently obtained positive results for our clients. However, there are situations where only zealous litigation efforts will do. Our attorneys are experienced advocates, and they will provide strong representation when litigating your insurance bad faith case.

What to Expect After Winning a Bad Faith Disability Insurance Case

After your claim is approved, you will be entitled to receive disability benefits. However, the insurance company may offer you a lump-sum settlement, rather than continuing to pay benefits until the end of your policy benefit period. Before accepting such a settlement, call us at 800-898-7299. Our experienced disability lawyers can review the offer and tell you whether it is in your best interests to accept it.

Free Consultation — Contact Our Firm

To learn more about your options after a bad faith disability claim denial, contact DarrasLaw. Our law firm represents clients nationwide from our offices in Ontario, California.

Reason #3

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

Billion dollar insurance companies employ an army of attorneys. We have the resources to take on the toughest cases against the biggest carriers.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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