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Individual Disability Insurance
Why Choose DarrasLaw?

Darraslaw is America's Top Disability Firm.

Insurance Attorneys Serving People Nationwide

DarrasLaw is America’s top disability firm. Our Individual Disability Insurance attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable in all aspects and all forms of disability insurance.

Disability insurance can be broken down into short-term disability policies and long-term disability policies. Policies may be offered through employers, which are referred to as group insurance. Policies can also be purchased by individuals as stand-alone policies or to supplement group insurance policies. Individual disability insurance policies offered through employers follow substantially different rules than group disability insurance policies, which we address in our ERISA section.


Review: 5/5 – ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“My attorney treated me as if I was his mother. I felt like I was their only client. They went above and beyond the call of duty. I tried to fight the company on my own and I was getting no where. DarrasLaw, I am truly grateful and appreciative of all you have done for me. My future is secure because of you. What a wonderful team!”

– Brenda C.

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We Offer Free Consultations

Expert Help at All Stages of Your Disability Insurance Claim

We offer free consultations and information about all stages of individual disability Insurance claims

Do you simply want to understand what your policy means and what you are entitled to? Have you only recently become disabled and need help filing a claim? Have you already filed a claim and been run over by the insurance company? Let us extend a helping hand.

DarrasLaw is America's Top disability Firm.

Why You Need Our Help

Insurance policies are drafted in confusing and ambiguous terms. Some insurance carriers use contractual loopholes to delay or deny claims. Carriers like to hide behind the small print. These are only some of their delay and denial tactics.

In addition to injecting confusion into the process whenever possible, insurance carriers frequently resort to giving policy holders the runaround. Some will say that they never received claims documents and force the insured to resend. They will do this again and again. They know that disabled people have too much to deal with simply managing their injuries and illnesses. They beat you up and wear you down, hoping you will give up. Do not give up. Enlist an experienced disability attorney from DarrasLaw.

We built the largest insurance law practice in the country by helping policyholders ask the right questions and by submitting bulletproof claim documentation to avoid the need for a lawsuit. However, if a lawsuit is needed, we will take serious, decisive action. We hold big insurance companies accountable. We get policyholders the benefits they paid for and rightfully deserve.

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Testimonial Engineer

"I think Frank Darras was just absolutely brilliant. He didn't miss one detail of the case. In the end we were successful. It happened for us that it was a financial victory and a moral victory and I will be very grateful to Mr. Darras forever."

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What Kind of Disability Issues are People Facing?

"Our disabled clients have literally fallen to the very bottom of their life. They’ve been beaten up, worn down, and starved out by their insurance companies. They’ve got an insurance policy that’s supposed to pay benefits, but the claim forms are confusing.” "The insurance company wants to go get them examined. They want tax returns. They want more documents. They’re literally overwhelmed and they need our help now."

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What Kind of Disability Issues are People Facing?

"Our disabled clients have literally fallen to the very bottom of their life. They’ve been beaten up, worn down, and starved out by their insurance companies. They’ve got an insurance policy that’s supposed to pay benefits, but the claim forms are confusing.” "The insurance company wants to go get them examined. They want tax returns. They want more documents. They’re literally overwhelmed and they need our help now."

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What Sets DarrasLaw Apart In The Field of Disability Law?

“I think the difference at DarrasLaw is that we’ve really earned the respect of the industry. We have over 100 years of hard fought insurance and litigation experience. They know we’ve been to the home office. We’ve deposed everybody there is, at every major insurance company, over the last 30 years. That’s certainly earned the respect of their general counsel, their national trial counsel, defense counsel.” “And that’s important because when you litigate, you’d like somebody to respect you and respect your lawyer, and that’s really, really important. We have left the other side with their dignity and they respect our clients. Last, we have unparallelled resources. We know how to get the insurance company to buckle and to make sure that they’re accountable and responsible for what they did.”

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What Do I Need To Think About Before I Request Claim Forms?

“Oftentimes, it’s really difficult to decide when you’re really disabled. It’s no problem if you’re hurt in an accident. That’s easy. It’s the day of the accident.” “But when you’ve got a progressive sickness, sometimes we see it a lot with doctors. They give away the big surgeries. They let the younger associates take over the surgical responsibilities. And by the time they get ready to file a year or two later, they’re left with the strains and sprains or pre and post-op follow-up care and treatment duties, and the carrier doesn’t have a very clear picture of your true occupation.”

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Why Do You Need an Attorney for a Disability Insurance Claim?

When it comes to insurance, we're often told we're in good hands. And we know better. Our insurance company is going to take advantage of any confusion or ambiguity. Whether you're buying a policy and you need some help understanding the features or the advantages or the benefits, we offer that free policy analysis. Two, you've got a policy, you're not sure that you're ready to file a claim, but you need some help in understanding how to properly fill out a claim form so you won't get delayed or wrongfully denied. Or you're on claim and now the carrier says, we want to come out and have a field visit with you, we want to send you to an independent medical exam, or we want to get a functional capacity evaluation.

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The Best of the Best
08 Answers to Your Questions

What Kind of Disability Issues are People Facing?

"Our disabled clients have literally fallen to the very bottom of their life. They’ve been beaten up, worn down, and starved out by their insurance companies. They’ve got an insurance policy that’s supposed to pay benefits, but the claim forms are confusing.” "The insurance company wants to go get them examined. They want tax returns. They want more documents. They’re literally overwhelmed and they need our help now."

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What Sets DarrasLaw Apart In The Field of Disability Law?

“I think the difference at DarrasLaw is that we’ve really earned the respect of the industry. We have over 100 years of hard fought insurance and litigation experience. They know we’ve been to the home office. We’ve deposed everybody there is, at every major insurance company, over the last 30 years. That’s certainly earned the respect of their general counsel, their national trial counsel, defense counsel.” “And that’s important because when you litigate, you’d like somebody to respect you and respect your lawyer, and that’s really, really important. We have left the other side with their dignity and they respect our clients. Last, we have unparallelled resources. We know how to get the insurance company to buckle and to make sure that they’re accountable and responsible for what they did.”

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What Do I Need To Think About Before I Request Claim Forms?

“Oftentimes, it’s really difficult to decide when you’re really disabled. It’s no problem if you’re hurt in an accident. That’s easy. It’s the day of the accident.” “But when you’ve got a progressive sickness, sometimes we see it a lot with doctors. They give away the big surgeries. They let the younger associates take over the surgical responsibilities. And by the time they get ready to file a year or two later, they’re left with the strains and sprains or pre and post-op follow-up care and treatment duties, and the carrier doesn’t have a very clear picture of your true occupation.”

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Why Do You Need an Attorney for a Disability Insurance Claim?

When it comes to insurance, we're often told we're in good hands. And we know better. Our insurance company is going to take advantage of any confusion or ambiguity. Whether you're buying a policy and you need some help understanding the features or the advantages or the benefits, we offer that free policy analysis. Two, you've got a policy, you're not sure that you're ready to file a claim, but you need some help in understanding how to properly fill out a claim form so you won't get delayed or wrongfully denied. Or you're on claim and now the carrier says, we want to come out and have a field visit with you, we want to send you to an independent medical exam, or we want to get a functional capacity evaluation.

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The Best of the Best

Our Awards and Recognitions

DarrasLaw's attorneys, including founder Frank N. Darras, have received numerous honors and awards from peers, validating the claim that we are America's top disability firm.

Reason #6

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

It’s our honor to help and represent disabled people who have literally fallen to the bottom of their lives. We encourage you to read and hear what they say about us.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

Request a Free, Confidential Case Review.