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Daily Journal Recognizes Frank N. Darras in Top Healthcare Attorneys

Posted November 2, 2021

The Daily Journal released its list of the Top 35 Healthcare Attorneys in California for 2021 and Frank N. Darras, founder of DarrasLaw, was once again honored among them. Throughout the country, Mr. Darras has fought tirelessly to represent long term disability insurance policyholders. As a result of his insight into the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, […]

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Frank Darras authored an article for Daily Journal: “Lawyers Can Help Level The Playing Field For College Athletes”

Posted November 1, 2021

Frank Darras authored an article for the Daily Journal on how attorneys can help level the playing field for college athletes. After the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) sent out a memo saying collegiate athletes are employees, the world of NCAA athletics continued to change and transform. To read more, go to: https://www.dailyjournal.com/articles/364779-lawyers-can-help-level-the-playing-field-for-college-athletes (subsc. required). […]

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Chronic Fatigue & Long-Term Disability Insurance

Posted October 29, 2021

Commonly known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that, according to the CDC, may affect as many as 2.5 million Americans. Unfortunately, most active cases reportedly remain undiagnosed. The disease causes a range of different symptoms, although not all of these are present in every case. In general, however, chronic fatigue causes […]

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Claim Denied By Aetna? Tips To Help Strengthen Your Appeal

Posted October 26, 2021

Aetna is one of the largest and best-known disability insurance providers in the United States. The company has been known to collect tens of billions of dollars in revenues from premiums alone. As you can guess, Aetna is not always so quick to pay valid long-term disability (LTD) claims to policyholders and will do what […]

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Returning to Work with a Disability

Posted October 22, 2021

According to the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 17.9% of Americans with a disability were in some kind of employment in 2020. This is a slightly smaller proportion of the disabled community in the workforce than recorded in previous years, with the pandemic being the biggest factor in the reduction. If you’ve […]

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Repetitive Strain Injuries & Long-Term Disability Insurance

Posted October 15, 2021

Nowadays, repetitive strain injuries are often associated with office work, such as extensive keyboard and mouse use. However, the problem predates the modern computer by quite a while. Conditions like “telegraphist’s cramp,” “glass arm,” and “washerwoman’s thumb” all emerged in medical literature by the early 20th century. Repetitive strain injuries arise from the repetition of […]

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Biden Says Long COVID May Be a Disability

Posted October 8, 2021

Experts are learning more about COVID-19 all the time, but there’s still a long way to go before we fully understand the impact the virus can have on patients. Different people suffer from different symptoms, and while some recover relatively quickly, others are left dealing with health difficulties and disability long after their initial diagnosis. […]

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Insurance Companies Use Social Media and Technology to Reject Long-Term Disability Claims

Posted October 6, 2021

If a life-changing sickness or injury results in a long-term disability, insurance companies are expected to work with claimants to evaluate the claim in good faith. Unfortunately, many disability insurers treat their customers as ATM machines: good for taking premium money without returning the monthly disability benefits they’ve agreed to pay in a timely manner. […]

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Uncommon Exclusions in Some Disability Policies

Uncommon Exclusions in Some Disability Policies

Posted September 30, 2021

Individual and group disability policies are complex legal documents. Unfortunately, most employers and employees do not take the time to read them, leaving uncertainty and frustration when it comes to claiming time. You took the time to choose a disability policy that would most benefit you or your employees. You wanted to ensure that if […]

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DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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