Talk To A Disability Lawyer Now
(800) 898-7299

Get Your Free Claim Evaluation From Home

DarrasLaw operations are uninterrupted. Our award winning attorneys and spectacular staff are available to both existing and potential clients. We are here to serve you. Although our approach to contact may be different than usual, our goal is the same: A client focused atmosphere that puts policyholders first.

As always, our initial consultation is free and you do not need to come to our office. We can evaluate your claim, process the needed case forms and get your electronic signature without you having to leave your home. After you case has been evaluated, we are also available via Facetime, Skype, or other platforms.

Visit our contact page to get in touch with us today!

Use Our Case Evaluation Form Online

Although we love meeting our clients in person, these are uncertain times. We have put together certain procedures so that our client’s cases don’t skip a beat. We continue to provide a FREE case evaluation form for your convenience (see bottom of this page). Once you submit your case evaluation, our call center will be in touch with you soon to discuss your potential claim.

Get Questions Answered With Our Chat Service or A Phone Call

You can use our live chat feature to have your questions answered. We are also just a phone call away. Additional information on “What You Should Know About Coronavirus and Disability Insurance” and Covid19 Disability law here.

Online Chat

With our on-line chat option, simply go to the bottom of the screen and click the live chat button. An associate is available 24/7 to take your information. Although a chat does not create a client-lawyer relationship, it does allow for a useful way to ask questions and to get information to our lawyers.

E-Signature Convenience

To complete the intake process, documents may need to be signed. Those will be conducted using E-Sign. ESign provides a safe, convenient way of signing documents from anywhere without the need to print, scan, or fax documents back to our office.

To existing clients

Rest assured that we continue to work cases and monitor the status of court proceedings, which unfortunately are subject to change at any time. If any currently scheduled matters are postponed or canceled, we will keep you advised.

Reason #1

Why Choose DarrasLaw?

We are the most awarded disability law firm in the nation. Insurance companies will not pay full value of a case if they don’t respect the law firm representing you.

Best of the Best

DarrasLaw is America’s Most Awarded and Honored Disability Law Firm.
Learn More

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

Request a Free, Confidential Case Review.