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DarrasLaw Sports

Over the last 12 months, the nature of professional and amateur sports has changed in a way few could foresee. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, America’s economy was robust, unemployment was below 4% and the NCAA’s budget was huge.

Now, the sports world (like all others) has changed radically, and the ripple effect is immense. Frank N. Darras has been an important part of the change occurring, helping professional and college athletes protect their financial futures, and helping to define what that change looks like.

Mr. Darras has spoken to various news outlets and written several articles on how those changes are impacting the future of sports. From the historic Name/Image/Likeness change that the NCAA adopted recently to players being more acutely aware of the need for long-term permanent and total disability insurance to due the pandemic, Mr. Darras has been a highly-sought-after legal voice.

Below are some of the articles, interviews and media hits that have highlighted Mr. Darras’ knowledge in this area, his work on behalf of athletes and his ongoing efforts on behalf of his sports-related clients.



  • Los Angeles Daily Journal – California vs the National Collegiate Athletic Association”
  • Law.com – “Name, Image and Likeness Rights in College Sports”
  • Law360 – “NCAA’s Broken Athlete Eligibility Rules Need To Change”
  • The Recorder – “How COVID-19 Has Changed the World of College Sports”


  • Darras Blog – “Athletes or Universities Buying Loss of Value Insurance? What You Should Know”
  • Darras Blog – “Loss of Value Insurance and Your Division I Athletes: What Colleges and Universities Need to Know”

News Media

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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