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Don’t fall prey to these common disability misconceptions

Disability Fraud Attorney

When offered group disability insurance through an employer or other plan, many people turn down the chance to cover themselves for a future accident or medical issue. It’s not that people don’t want coverage — no one really wants to have to pay all of their own medical bills if something serious happens. Many people don’t get disability coverage because they fall prey to some common myths.

One of the biggest reasons people would not enroll in such coverage is that they don’t think they will need it. They are healthy and work in a low-risk environment, such as a general office, so they don’t believe they are at risk of an injury that could cause long-term disability.

The truth is that tragic accidents can and do occur anywhere. Something as commonplace as a slip on the stairs can lead to a long-term disability need.

The next reason many people don’t get coverage is because they believe workers’ compensation will pay for expenses and lost wages if anything happens.

While this is true for injuries that occur in a covered workplace, many long-term disability claims have to do with conditions that aren’t related to the workplace. In fact, as many as 90 percent are related to illness and not an accident at all.

Finally, many people don’t carry coverage because they think they are too young. But disability claims are not limited by age, and something like a surgery could put you out of work at any time for weeks or months.

Get help with your long-term disability insurance claim

DarrasLaw is an award-winning and nationally recognized disability litigation firm whose top-ranked disability lawyers and knowledgeable national group ERISA attorneys have helped thousands get the individual and group disability benefits they deserved.

To schedule a free disability policy analysis and free claim consultation, call our experienced Chicago disability attorneys at DarrasLaw at (800) 898-7299 or contact us online.

DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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