Have you answered these long term care insurance questions?
When you consider the benefits of long term care insurance, this may be one of the most important decisions you make. Are you going to purchase a policy, or will you continue to put this off? Due to the complexities of long term care insurance, many people put this on the backburner, never purchasing a policy.
To ensure that you buy the right coverage, it is important to know the finer details of the industry.
The following questions are important to answer before buying any type of long term care insurance:
— What are the benefits to somebody in your position of buying a long term care insurance policy?
— What does the policy cover, and what will happen if you don’t have coverage and need it?
— What age does it make the most sense to purchase a policy?
— How much does long term care insurance cost, and what are you comfortable paying every month?
— What is and is not covered by the policy?
— How much will the policy pay if care is needed?
— What is the deductible?
— Is there any limit as to how much coverage you can receive?
When you answer these types of questions, it becomes easier to understand what long term care insurance has to offer and whether or not you should consider making a purchase.
Even if you don’t end up buying a policy or even if you stop short of speaking directly with an agent, you should consider the benefits of this coverage. You never want to make a long term care insurance claim, but it is nice to have a policy as it puts you in position to do so should the time come.
Source: Bankrate, “Long-term care insurance: 12 questions to ask,” accessed July 20, 2015