Once you purchase individual disability insurance, you may begin to think about what would happen to you in the event of an injury or illness. Just the same as life insurance, you hope you never have to use this type of coverage. At the same time, you know that it will protect you in the event that you are disabled and unable to work.
Despite the fact that you have the right intentions when purchasing individual disability insurance, there is no way of knowing if your provider will deny your claim for one reason or another.
Overcoming a denied claim is easier said than done, and in many cases the process can drag out if you don’t take the appropriate steps.
The insurance policy you have, as well as the details surrounding your claim, will determine what type of action you take. Generally speaking, the first step in getting the money you deserve is filing an appeal with the insurance company.
The insurance company is sure to have its own legal team, so it is imperative that you are informed of your rights from the start. It is your right to fight for the benefits you deserve, as you have been paying for coverage, as required, since inception of the policy.
As you gain knowledge, it will become clear that you should never back down from the insurance company until you get what is owed to you. For more information on your rights and what to expect in San Bernardino County and nationwide, review our website. You can start your search for advice on our individual disability appeals webpage.