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Does Your Current Insurance Cover Rental Car Accidents?

Posted August 17, 2012

The last thing you want is to be involved in a car accident with a rental car. If you are, however, the choice you have made in accepting or rejecting the insurance offered by the rental car company becomes critical. Many people who rent cars decline the additional insurance offered believing their personal policies will […]

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Disability Insurance Necessary for Injury or Accident Victims

Posted August 10, 2012

When people consider the risk of losing everything they own due to an accident or disabling illness, they often ensure that they have enough insurance coverage. People generally have health insurance, car insurance and homeowner’s insurance, but they often do not think about disability insurance. Disability insurance covers a person who becomes disabled and can […]

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Many Colorado Shooting Victims Face Lifelong Disability Expenses

Posted August 3, 2012

After the mass shooting at the Colorado theater last month, many people, even those who live in the community, will return to their lives by the end of the year. For those who were injured, the nightmare is only just beginning. Ten victims remain hospitalized and dozens more suffer from injuries sustained that night. Their […]

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Posted July 27, 2012

As parents and high school graduates prepare for the end of summer and the start of college classes in the fall, thoughts turn to tuition, textbooks and upcoming school parties. As college students look forward to heading off to school, either in cars of their own or their parents’ vehicles, it is also important to […]

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Posted July 20, 2012

College students have more possessions of value than they or their parents may realize. The lives of college students are filled with laptops, smartphones, clothes and whether you believe it or not textbooks. Often insurance issues for college students are out of sight and out of mind until an accident or something worse occurs. But, […]

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New ERISA Rules Provide Transparency to 401(k) Costs

Posted July 12, 2012

Many employee benefit packages today feature 401(k) accounts, and what many employees may not know is that the management of these retirement funds cost money. But what many people with 401(k)s may not know is that they are responsible for the payment of fees associated with the management of their 401(k) account and the price […]

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U.S. Supreme Court to Take On Dispute Involving ERISA’s Equitable Limitation

Posted July 6, 2012

The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to review whether a provision of ERISA allows the operator of a plan to seek reimbursement from a plan participant who receives a personal injury settlement. The Court has looked at the issue before and will examine the issue again during its next term. The case the Court will […]

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Importance of Filing Correctly: Risk of Disability Higher for Women than Men

Posted June 28, 2012

When it comes to making an individual disability claim, women may unfortunately have a greater need to file than men. That’s because women are more likely to suffer a disability than men and therefore are put at a greater financial risk as well. The physical and financial risk for women exists whether they are single […]

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Posted June 22, 2012

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 is a federal law that sets minimum standards for the majority of voluntarily established private pension and health plans. ERISA requires private employers to provide plan information to participants, outlines fiduciary duties for those who manage plans, requires a grievance and appeal process, and provides a right […]

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DarrasLaw is Americas' most honored and decorated disability litigation firm in the country. Mr. Darras has seen more, evaluated more, litigated more, and resolved more individual and group long term disability and long-term care cases than any other lawyer in the United States.

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